Eco Tan – the Intelligent Choice

Eco Tan – the Intelligent Choice
01/03/2016 sally gluckstern
ReFresh Byron Bay Blog Eco Tan

A tan. Controversial I know. I personally love the look of golden skin- for better or worse, it appeals to me. Of course aged, pigmented, dry and coarse skin does not generate enthusiasm, but that sunkissed glow is what I’m after. That mistaken belief that a tan looks healthy has somehow taken hold of my psyche, and I just can’t seem to shake it off! Somehow, a tan says: “I spend plenty of time practicing yoga/meditating outdoors and digging in my vegie garden.” Or, “I’m no office princess, I have an adventurous spirit and a love of the outdoors- at least on the weekends- do you want to come on a picnic date with me?”

I have tried spray tans- waaaaay too expensive and tricky to maintain. So now, Eco Tan by Sonya Driver has come into my life! I am able to maintain my colour as I get around to it, apply it wherever I like, to the depth that I like, for a reasonable price. They even have Face Tan Water, so that I can create a seamless tan. The look is almost like wearing a semi- permanent tinted moisturiser. The colour acts to create a subtle evening out of skin blotches, making me less inclined to plaster on the foundation. Rather just some mineral powder, to give a natural looking glow. Talk about multiple benefits!

I like a real tan less and less as I grow older and I begin to see the permanent damage I have caused in the past, which makes me even more pleased to able to create the look of a tan without adding to my skin aging woes. I love Invisible Eco Tan for my body even more, because it moisturises, as well as evening out my mottled blotchy freckly skin. The colour looks completely natural, almost like a sheer even veil. It lasts for at least 5-6 days, and is made in Australia, vegan and cruelty free. I couldn’t ask for more from a product range. All I can do to add to this marvelous routine, is add a layer of the Re+fresh Byron Bay therapeutic body oil for maximum benefit and effect, and that’s perfect summer skin right there. Did I tell you I love this stuff?

Eco Tan has a Winter Skin option for those who are very pale, as well as an amazing exfoliating mitt and a coconut broad spectrum sunblock range that is very highly endorsed by my surfing counterpart. It is a physical sunscreen, as opposed to a chemical formulation that does actually have beeswax in the ingredient list (so not vegan), but this addition ensures the product has longevity in the water.

Sonya Driver, the creator of Eco Tan, experienced the pain of her sister being diagnosed with melanoma, and decided to create a safe tan without any carcinogens or toxic, damaging chemicals that could provide a beautiful long lasting colour for women addicted to the look of a golden glow- (that’s me). This story, though tragic in its’ inception, has made a green and beautiful product that makes living mindfully have meaning and depth. “Thanks Miss Myrtle”- is what you’ll say when you try it for yourself.

Be gorgeous, be green,


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